Drikz Blog Clarity!
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This is Clarity the 5th edition of the "Drikz Blog Series" this can be referred as Clarity or Drikz Blog V.5: Clarity



Speak Your Mind, I'll Listen

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    Links Away!!

    GMH's Blog- Harvey
    The Fame- Mazda Cai
    Mikaela Says- Mikaela Uy
    89th Avenue- Sharmaine Uy (Blog Ended.)
    Etched- Sharmaine Uy
    APD- Harvey, Drikz
    Carry You There - Jinger Cabillen
    Beyond Words- Dannah Chong
    Route 53- Arvin Lim
    Ineffableness- Atsi Denice
    Life without YOU.- Karla Sy
    Friends can be Lovers but Lovers can't be Friends- Camille Lee
    MusicLover- Karen Madrigal
    Mozhakiee- Jackielyn Ballada
    Being Me, Just Me- Jericka Chan


    Designer: Corissa-Designer

    Harvey- My APD partner, and first subscriber.

    Sharmaine- Telling me about blogskins

    Mikaela- Cool chat mate

    Blogskins- Layout

    Callalily- For music

    Sunday, February 28, 2010

    The last chapter of HS is about to begin. BRACE YOURSELVES!!

    I've been online on most websites like facebook, friendster and twitter and I've noticed that most of us are talking about our Senior year. I believe it's gonna be a great finale on us. Our band's next gig, and alot of other nonsense. I keep telling myself that everytime a chapter ends a new one begins. Like high school, it's like saying after reading something entitled "High School" the next book is "College". I still have a lot to explore before I apparently head to college. I keep telling myself, will I still get intouch with my friends? When I leave, I wanted nothing to be different but change is unavoidable and it WILL happen. High School's about to end and I'm about to leave by 2011. The road is still covered in darkness and I just have to keep going and moving ahead. I always know that in hard work, come a reward.


    Drikz spoke up around 9:56 PM

    Hello blogger!

    OK, yesterday was the most awaited JS Program. We performed live "Keep Holding On- Avril Lavigne" I was very much frightened. After the program Me and the band went to RP to do some random stuff. We actually went to Tom's World and most of the time we were at the karaoke booth. Gab really nailed it. Anyway, we went home after hours of eating and walking around. We sang some songs by Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, Paramore and Kitchie Nadal. So I noticed the more I don't talk to her the easier the memories and the pain fade away. But I believe the scars still remain. I've lost myself to my emotions. I actually saw her yesterday and the feeling just flashed and threw me straight to the ground helplessly. I feel pathetic giving in but I love her.


    Drikz spoke up around 4:50 PM

    Wednesday, February 24, 2010

    Yo! I'm blogging like hell again.

    It's been a while since I actually blogged my heart out. Anyways, S.Y. 09-10 is about to end and I feel like I haven't accomplished the goals I've been wanting to accomplish. But I believe I've made it a long way. As a kid, I wasn't the "popular one" I'm considered a nobody in the student body but, as I grow and mature I've extended my capabilities and my social links. I've met people who I don't even talk to as a child. I've made it this far and I'm not gonna stop expanding my horizons. I've recently spoken to my brother (Arthur) and we chatted about college life. I refused to believe his definition of college life. He mentioned that college friends are better than high school friends and that is not true. They're not the foundation of my personality and confidence. The friends you make in high school are the ones who influenced you since you we were like 4 or 5 years old. I don't want to leave any of my friends whom I treasured even until I leave high school. I'm re-reinventing my blog to make it more interesting and more in-depth stories about my life. Expressing in my blog has a big role on my life and it's my personal website. :))


    Drikz spoke up around 7:03 PM

    Sunday, February 21, 2010


    Here I am again speaking about my life's randomness. I've made it to the 3rd Year and who am I now?

    As a person:
    I've become a very independent and reliable person I'm currently the organizer for our band. A club officer and a helpful person. I've learned to become selfless and I usually put my friends' happiness over mine. I've improved on my studies and could possibly make it to the 2nd section. In the end, I'm still myself but more confident and not hesitate. I've strengthened my friendship with my friends Mika, Harvey, Maine, Jackie, Anne, Mazda, Camille, Karen, Jehan and many more. I felt like I have a place in the school.

    As a scout:
    As a scout I've been very good-ish. I've attended a funeral which was fun and creepy. I've widened my friendship w/ the other scouts. I've become adept in various scouting skills such as knots, first aid and many more which lead to me being promoted to a crew leader. A crew leader basically leads the crew and I'm usually responsible for their mistakes. I've become skilled in the art of improv. and logic where the Seniors are adept in.

    As a student:
    I've put most of my priorities on my studies and obviously, I've improved due to receiving high marks on various subjects and also being responsible for my grades. I've learned that they (teachers) hate failing us as much as us failing our exams. I maximized my education as a Junior and planned to improve as a Senior.


    Drikz spoke up around 10:36 PM

    Saturday, February 13, 2010

    Thanks For The Memories..

    I got home about 12 hours ago from stargazing and I'm uber fatigued Ms. Canlas didn't make it to the stargazing. Ms. Jem made it around 11pm after her project defense. I would like to thank Mikaela Uy, Franchesca Te, Levina Sia, Anthony Choi, Arvin Lim, Camille Gan (the nerd), Anne Romo, Mazda Cai, Andrew Laron, Raymond Shi, Sylbert Sy, Jamie Rosero, Charles Lu, Jarjaren, Jonas Lam and Ms. San Miguel for a fun stargazing :) It was definitely a memorable mornight for us. THANK YOU talaga. Well I reconnected with Anthony haha tagal na since 2-Yellow :), then playing around the piano with Jonas and Raymond hahaha learning "Canon" and teaching Raymond "Happy Birthday", Playing the guitar w/ Mika and performing "Going Under" w/ ma'am SM, looking at the stars and basically sleeping at the table (literally), Fooling w/ the teachers w/ Mazda and Anne. It extended my circle of friends and reconnected w/ the unactive ones. I thank everyone for this.. :)


    Drikz spoke up around 7:45 PM