Drikz Blog Clarity!
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This is Clarity the 5th edition of the "Drikz Blog Series" this can be referred as Clarity or Drikz Blog V.5: Clarity



Speak Your Mind, I'll Listen

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    Links Away!!

    GMH's Blog- Harvey
    The Fame- Mazda Cai
    Mikaela Says- Mikaela Uy
    89th Avenue- Sharmaine Uy (Blog Ended.)
    Etched- Sharmaine Uy
    APD- Harvey, Drikz
    Carry You There - Jinger Cabillen
    Beyond Words- Dannah Chong
    Route 53- Arvin Lim
    Ineffableness- Atsi Denice
    Life without YOU.- Karla Sy
    Friends can be Lovers but Lovers can't be Friends- Camille Lee
    MusicLover- Karen Madrigal
    Mozhakiee- Jackielyn Ballada
    Being Me, Just Me- Jericka Chan


    Designer: Corissa-Designer

    Harvey- My APD partner, and first subscriber.

    Sharmaine- Telling me about blogskins

    Mikaela- Cool chat mate

    Blogskins- Layout

    Callalily- For music

    Monday, November 30, 2009

    Me siento en dolor

    It's finally December tomorrow. Christmas is coming soon and, still she's not talking to me. I haven't been myself at all lately. I've been emoting here, again and again. I believe once you entered the "friend zone" there's no way out. Maybe we're not meant to be. I just have to think about my grades. College is just a few steps ahead and I don't wanna be left out. I think finding someone else is the best thing to do but, I know when you feel pain, its love, when you don't it doesn't mean anything. I just hope she'll be happy for the holidays. I won't lie, I MISS HER!! she completes everyday I had since I met her. Now, It seems like I have nothing. I can feel emptiness within me. I do love her but does she know it?

    I'll make this blog more interesting on the next post.

    Drikz spoke up around 9:06 AM

    Saturday, November 28, 2009

    Scouting: Heat!!

    Hmm.. today is another simple and normal day of scouting. But unlike any other normal day, I became really exhausted from all the running around. Well, nothin much really... Just finished shooting math story

    the week summary will resume next week

    Drikz spoke up around 9:59 PM

    Saturday, November 21, 2009

    Scouting: 2Fe + 3H2O= Fe2O3 + 3H2

    Today wasn't really a very exciting day when it comes to the activities but, I had fun anyway. I came to school feeling so dizzy I could throw up. We were asked to clean the Fe2O3 (rust) using sandpapers and oil. It was very difficult to get rid of the rust. We had to scrub it again, and again, and again to get the rust off. We were working w/out noticing it was already 3:30pm. We were dismissed late and went home. It was fun for us to clean the stuff up I guess it develops teamwork..

    "I wont post a week summary because nothing much happened anyway."

    Drikz spoke up around 6:38 PM

    Sunday, November 15, 2009

    Chatting with Ms. Jem

    Today I was chatting w/ Ms. Jem on Facebook. So, here it is.


    Drikz spoke up around 7:34 PM

    Saturday, November 14, 2009

    Scouting: A 2pm arrival

    Today I came an hour late to scouting. Why? I had a very terrible headache. I came to school running and tired. It started to rain when I arrived. They were playing some sort of game which I don't understand how it's played. Then we were called to the lunch area and had an announcement about camping and then we were dismissed. Learning new knots was fun hahaha.



    Drikz spoke up around 9:59 PM

    Sportsfest: Inside Report

    The Sportsfest yesterday was amazing and in the brink of defeat, we rose up and became the overall champion. We won cause that's what we're all about. It's a hard time for us Juniors. Giving up the awards, losing many games. We actually gave up on winning. Luckily we had extra points which led to our victory. During the final cheer, the 4th Year students butted in with signs as a sign of disrespect to our batch. How could they? When they won, we were humble and quiet. But if we won, that gives them the right to disrespect us? That's totally unfair!! We really deserve it. We gave our all, we showed our might, we showed our cheering prowess. They're really disrespectful. They deserve not to win. They're sore losers. They just wont let it go wont they? When they chanted the "Manalo, Matalo, Cute Parin Kami" we just clapped on our victory. They're not humble like the Sophomores and the Freshmen. I hate to see the graduating batch fail to achieve the overalls but they don't deserve it. And they asked for a recount. We too asked for a recount just to finally clear things out. We'll let them recount them. We don't need a trophy to prove our skills to the Seniors. To me, they're not that mighty.



    Drikz spoke up around 9:32 PM

    Friday, November 13, 2009

    Weekly Summary: The Sportsfest! 11/9/09-11/13/09

    Monday- 7:10 in the morning we practiced our cheers. I was very, very fatigued.

    Tuesday- Jackie Chan movie in chi. class!!

    Wednesday- Final Practice for cheering!! GO JUNIORS!!

    Thursday- Final Practice for 3-R. GO GO JUNIORS!!

    Friday- CSA SPORTSFEST!!


    Drikz spoke up around 9:38 PM

    CSA Sportsfest: The Blue Ribbon of UNITY!!

    Today is one of the most awaited events in the school year, the CSA SPORTSFEST!! The challenges were extremely tough. The 4th Yrs. are definitely pulverizing us to the ground. We the JUNIORS are being the "target" for all the other batches. The Sophomores were good yet, people don't cooperate. The Freshmen were good actually, a was astonished by their cheers. The 4th years, apparently are out to take the "PRIZE" from us. I personally lost hope when I saw our batch being defeated by the 4th years. I still saw hope after counting the scores. I was pissed off during the cheering competition. The JUNIORS definitely deserve the 100%. We gave the most effort, we gave the loudest cheer, and we definitely had the most "BOOM" compared to the 4th year. We lost a lot of awards to the 4th year but we managed to win the overalls. In the morning was the cheering and the muse and escort competition. The muse, Rose and the escort, Karlo did their very best during their performance. Rose and Karlo did answer the questions nicely and correctly. I wished they won. In the afternoon was the Unity Dance, featuring a dance from all year levels. Apparently, there weren't any Sophomores so it's not a complete unity. Then the awardings came and I was nervous for our batch. We won in the end because we had 5 people who won in the Stephenian Records which gives us 400pts. We won, GO JUNIORS!!

    "Juniors were so mighty fine, we're the treasures in your mine, we're the stars that always shine, we put shivers down your spine!!"


    Drikz spoke up around 9:11 PM

    Sunday, November 8, 2009

    Weekly Summary: Haha and Hehe 11/3/09- 11/6/09

    Tuesday- Periodical Exams for Chinese Language. Got a solid 88 :)

    Wednesday- A new semester starts. My grades were pretty good I guess.
    Chem- 87%
    Eng- 80%
    Soc- 73%
    Fil- 76%
    Trigo- 88%
    Math- 87%

    Thursday- Heh, free time in the library.

    Friday- Practice for the Filipino report. It's about chapter 12...


    Drikz spoke up around 11:37 AM

    Tuesday, November 3, 2009

    Our First Studio Album..

    We're about to release our first studio album entitled "School Mayhem!!" and things are going great in the album's production. We confirmed all the tracks to be released in the album.

    1. Math Story
    2. You Belong With Me (I'm a math teacher)
    3. Math Games
    4. Math Drunk
    5. Secret Agents
    6. Hot 'n Cold
    7. Halo-Halo
    8. Belly
    9. PG Ladies
    10. I Don't Scare
    11. Nerd Girls Teach Math
    12. So What!
    13. Just Math
    14. Petinizer
    15. Heh, Heh (Nothing Else Jem Can Say)
    16. Careless Teacher

    Please Support Us!!


    Drikz spoke up around 6:05 PM

    Sunday, November 1, 2009

    I'm sorry, I can't help it if I'm tongue tied.

    I'm still sad of all that's happened but I'm slowly being relived. I hate myself for ever letting it happen. I lost her, and I'm very much paralyzed with pain and regret (not literally) I hate to break it out but, I'll do anything for forgiveness (dramatic ko noh). I really miss talking to her 'til 12;))mn. She alawys completes my day. Now, I don't have her andmy day has a hollow hole that needs to be filed. I feel empty and unadored. I really miss her and now she's gone. I'm being pathetic right now posting it on my blog but, this is how I get my sadness and sorrow out.



    Drikz spoke up around 11:07 PM