Drikz Blog Clarity!
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This is Clarity the 5th edition of the "Drikz Blog Series" this can be referred as Clarity or Drikz Blog V.5: Clarity



Speak Your Mind, I'll Listen

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    Links Away!!

    GMH's Blog- Harvey
    The Fame- Mazda Cai
    Mikaela Says- Mikaela Uy
    89th Avenue- Sharmaine Uy (Blog Ended.)
    Etched- Sharmaine Uy
    APD- Harvey, Drikz
    Carry You There - Jinger Cabillen
    Beyond Words- Dannah Chong
    Route 53- Arvin Lim
    Ineffableness- Atsi Denice
    Life without YOU.- Karla Sy
    Friends can be Lovers but Lovers can't be Friends- Camille Lee
    MusicLover- Karen Madrigal
    Mozhakiee- Jackielyn Ballada
    Being Me, Just Me- Jericka Chan


    Designer: Corissa-Designer

    Harvey- My APD partner, and first subscriber.

    Sharmaine- Telling me about blogskins

    Mikaela- Cool chat mate

    Blogskins- Layout

    Callalily- For music

    Saturday, October 31, 2009

    Hollow Halloween

    Today is October 31, Halloween. There are a lot of channels with shows about ghosts today. A while ago I was watching MMK and I was touched by the parental love between the possessed daughter and her parents. Haha I guess demons can't break the bonds of a parent and a child. It was very touching and apparently was real. Hey, I'm not freaking anyone out with ghosts ok? Cause they aren't real, for me at least. Anyways, happy Halloween guys :)


    Drikz spoke up around 9:57 PM

    Friday, October 30, 2009

    Weekly Summary: The 2nd Periodical Exams 10/26/09-10/30/09

    Monday- The periodic exams for Social Science and Trigonometry. Walked around the area 'til 3pm :)

    Tuesday- The periodic exams for Mathematics and Filipino. Tried to frighten Shayne today.

    Wednesday- The periodical exams for Chemistry and English. At Mazda's place in the afternoon.

    Thursday- The periodical exam for Chinese History and Chinese Geometry. Long chat w/ friends in the afternoon.

    Friday- No Classes due to typhoons.


    Drikz spoke up around 11:58 AM

    Sunday, October 25, 2009

    Take my heart cause I have no idea how to put it back...

    Night ppl :) I'm slowly getting back on my feet. I think were on good terms but that doesn't remove the fact that she doesn't like me around. It's getting harder by the minute. I look at the stars in the sky thinking where she is and what she's doing. I feel that our ties are slowly being severed. I miss her so much, I would do anything to make it better. I'm inspired with sadness, hope I can I write a song about this. Periodic tests are coming and I'm NOT studying (as usual). I'm sitting here typing. I'm going on a random music listening. So, catch ya later!



    Drikz spoke up around 6:41 PM

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    Like a river that doesn't stop flowing...

    I'm a heartbroken little 15 year old. I feel I could NEVER win her back. I did everything I can to do so but, apparently, it wasn't enough. Yesterday, we were playing "bang-sak" around Gocheco and saw her again. She was indeed smiling. I was looking at her from the 6th floor. We started the game with Ryan (taga Gocheco) as the person who's "taya". Me, Leonard, Bektor, Aldrin and, Jeffery broke into groups. Leonard went with Jeffrey and I went with Bektor. Aldrin's location wasn't on my thoughts. Me and Bektor went to the 5th floor and, she was there with her friend. It was nice to see her smiling. I was afraid of her being mad so I ignored her. That definitely tore me apart. I had the chance and I blew it. I was eventually "bang-ed" and became the next "taya". When we were hiding, I saw her looking at me so I just hid behind a column. It was hard when I had the chance, I BLEW IT! :( I guess she'd never want to talk to me again :((

    *The title came from Callalily's song, "Magbalik". Words are originally Filipino.


    Drikz spoke up around 7:53 PM

    Weekly Summary: Pre-Periodic Exam 10/19/09-10/23/09

    Monday 10/19/09- Another day of making projects in HE. Very booring :(

    Tuesday 10/20/09- A very boring day reviewing topics for the periodical exam.

    Wednesday 10/21/09- Free period during CE and went to church after tutor.

    Thursday 10/22/09- Computer Periodical Exam. It wasn't hard. It was pretty easy.

    Friday 10/23/09- Band Rehearsal. Had fun reahearsing and went home late. :)


    Drikz spoke up around 6:05 PM

    Sunday, October 18, 2009


    I'm emoting again. It feels like I'm being torn apart. On the bright side, I have inspiration to write music :) I feel like I can't move on and find another girl. It hurts so bad thinking I have a chance when I don't. I was mean and unappreciative. I'm not gonna deny it, It's my fault.

    It all started well,
    But then I made mistakes and I
    couldn't fix it.
    I feel our love is ending.
    I feel the pain it's
    more than you would ever know.

    Time is passing by,
    I just gotta try.

    I know I'm such a fool for
    letting you go.
    I know I'm suffocating from
    all the pain I feel.
    When you walk by,
    I get weak in the knees
    I get weak.

    *I'm not a plagiarist, this is original


    Drikz spoke up around 8:36 PM

    Scouting: Weakened

    So yesterday at scouting I was weak but went to school anyway. I have to support my members because I'm a crew leader. Cooking was hard especially in the condition I'm in. Anyway I had fun building fires and putting wood. Ms. Canlas was at the scene :P In the afternoon after scouting, Me and Harvey went to McDo and ate. After That, I went to Chiang Kai's fair. I was looking for her so I could talk to her but, she wasn't there. I was frightened last Friday and couldn't say a word. I experienced sadness due to being heartbroken. I actually teared up last Friday. I was paralyzed with fear, regret and sadness. But I was fine yesterday and had a fun time with friends at the Chiang Kai fair. Then I went back to QC and felt really drained from the day.

    *I actually teared up.


    Drikz spoke up around 11:16 AM

    Saturday, October 17, 2009

    Operation: Jem's Ownership in FFS, COMMENCE!!

    So last Wednesday (10/14/09), we were having our "free time" because I finished all 5 projects. And so, I opened my FB account. When I did Edrick Catungal stole Jem from the SM ADVANTAGE's possession. So in other words, he challenged us. So me, Mazda, and Anne are on Code White. We are forming the alliance to keep Jem under our possession. Hmm.. I believe the challenge is going to be hard because Edrick definitely has a lot of cash in FFS. So the challenge begins and we're facing one person. Jem will be ours!!

    1. Me
    2. Mazda Cai
    3. Anne Romo
    4. Camille Lee
    5. Jackie Ballada
    6. Karen Madrigal


    *Jem will be ours!!

    Drikz spoke up around 10:31 PM

    Weekly Summary: In a different angle. 10/12/09-10/16/09

    Monday 10/12/09- Made HE projects in our class. As BORING as usual.

    Tuesday 10/13/09- Rose caught us on tape saying Happy Birthday to Mikaela.

    Wednesday 10/14/09- Mikaela's birthday. They had a cake. Went to church in the afternoon.

    Thursday 10/15/09- Got away from Tsong-Hap because of the Flag Retrieval Ceremony.

    Friday 10/16/09- Bored in class. Talked about scary stuff w/ Mazda and Anne. Went to the Chiang Kai Fair. The first time I actually cried over a girl... :(


    Drikz spoke up around 8:14 PM

    Sunday, October 11, 2009

    Scouting: Tents and Muddy Grounds

    So yesterday in scouting I had to be there around 8:30am and I's still fatigued from all that work. The day began with me waking up then slept again 'til 8:00am so, I rushed. Then I was about to leave but then Viktor asked me to come along w/ him to school so I did. We came when Homer and his friend was having their investiture ceremony. We were just waiting outside w/ everyone in the troop. Then it's 10:30 and we were asked to "fall out" and return around 12:00nn. Well, I didn't because I was playing Monster Hunter w/ Paul, Adrian Yu and, Sir Yung. We defeated various creatures to increase my "HR". So when the clock reach 12:40 or 12:45 I went back to HS w/out even eating :( We were taught how to build tents and how to properly repack them. Then it's all for the day. Cooking is up next and I have no idea how to cook :))


    Drikz spoke up around 5:34 PM

    Saturday, October 10, 2009

    Weekly Summary: Jem's Birthday 10/5/09 - 10/9/09

    Monday 10/5/09- We started working on our HE project and I think it went well. :)

    Tuesday 10/6/09- We planned what gifts will be given to Ms SM on Thursday. Hung out with friends after class.

    Wednesday 10/7/09- Our SMA's "christmas eve" cause Jem's birthday is only hours away.

    Thursday 10/8/09- This is it. Jem's birthday we had fun singing for her. J******* Swift is getting suspicious.

    Friday 10/9/09- I didn't go home to QC today but I had fun with my friends at Gocheco.


    Drikz spoke up around 6:32 PM

    Sunday, October 4, 2009

    No more sembreak?? WTF!!!

    I've been hearing that we no longer have a sembreak. That's really unfair! After the stress of the periodic exams, students deserve a REAL break. Chinese really stresses us and they just take our sembreak away? Why? Was it our fault that Pepeng and Ondoy came to the Philippines? NO! We still deserve a sembreak even just 4-5 days (all weekdays). Anyways school starts AGAIN tomorrow and it sickens me. Time to hit the books (as if). Even though school starts tomorrow, I'm happy to see my friends again. It's been a week. And this week has a VERY special day :) I'll tell you about it in the week summary. So I gotta fix my things, going to Manila around 10. So the post ends here. CHOW!!

    *There's NO week summary for the recent week

    Drikz spoke up around 8:48 PM

    Saturday, October 3, 2009

    And the worst part is...

    So today, I watched the episode "Lost at Sea" from the TV show TSL on Deck, I stayed at home surfing the net, I'm getting yelled at by my impatient brother, and the usual blog posting. In TSLOD I can relate to Cody. Knowing your girl hates you and, someone else is making a better impression for her. It's just so painful. Like me, I'm still missing her and everyday passing makes me miss her more. One thing I learned is the three words a girl always wants to hear from a guy, "I was wrong". What did you expect? "I love you" is gonna win a girl over that easily? Anyway S*** still hates me and I'm too intimidated to make my move. I was so, so wrong. So.. S***? will you forgive me? Please? I can't live this way, you being mad at me... It's just the worst part.

    *And the worst part is, before it gets any better we're headed for a cliff.


    Drikz spoke up around 9:45 PM

    Friday, October 2, 2009

    Not even a trace of you...

    These posts lately have been about my love life. Mkay, S*** still hasn't talked to me. I tried texting her and she wouldn't even reply. I think our relationship would end but, I can't get her out of my mind. I miss her face, smile and aggressively adorable attitude. She has all I could possibly want. She's nice, smart (-ish), fun, and down-to-earth. But I guess we're over and I just have to forget about her. We got off on a rocky start but if you're reading this, I feel embarrassed saying these things but they're true and I'm really, really, REALLY sorry for getting on your nerves. Please, it's been hard for me these days, all I want from you is to forgive me I know you don't like-like me so I'm not getting my hopes up but, always know I'm there for you no matter what. It's been hard for me knowing you hate me but since you're happy living your life, I'm happy. Seeing you laugh and me causing it, completes my day. Every night hanging out outside, talking, sharing our experiences, I miss that. So, S*** I just want you to know, I miss you and 143♥

    I miss her so much

    *Not even a trace of you, your days are numbered at 24

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    Drikz spoke up around 11:21 PM

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    Just take it. I'll be fine...

    SO TRUE...



    Drikz spoke up around 5:49 PM

    An untold love story.

    Okay, she probably still hates me. But I'm still trying AS HARD AS I COULD to get back on her good side. Love for me is a roller-coaster it has it's ups and downs and you don't know if you're brave enough to fall hard on the ground. Let me give you more detail. This is a love story of a boy who unknowingly made a mistake and got the girl's bad side. The boy eventually finds out and becomes pretty depressed that the girl wouldn't take his "sorry-ness". The boy began to become sorrowful and depressed while the girl doesn't know what's happening to the boy's emotions. Currently the boy smiles in public to hide the sadness within. Each passing day makes him miss her more. Then the guy texts the girl "I'm really sorry." and the girl replies with a "?" and after that the girl never replied again. The boy began to emote on his FB, FS, Blogger etc. and got some people's attention. The people commented with things like "There are many fish in the sea" or "You'll find someone who treasures you" blablabla... The boy gained confidence and tried to simply forget her but the memories of them having fun (as friends) came and made him miss her more than before. So the boy is currently depressed and the girl knows NOTHING about it.



    Drikz spoke up around 12:31 AM

    Secrets of a Teenager...

    A very late post I would say. The time currently is 12:08am and I am still awake. So today me and my mom went to the bank to pay bills and such and then, we looked for some place to eat. We originally chose McDo since it was full we went to Shakey's instead. I was getting a "familiar feel" of the place so I asked my mom. My mom said that I celebrated my FIRST birthday at the same Shakey's we're in. So I began asking a lot of questions about my childhood blablabla... Then in the afternoon we went to Greenhills for no specific reason. We walked around as usual and eventually got tired and ate dinner at Mcdo. Then a few minutes before writing this post I ask myself, "How could I get a familiar feel at shakeys when I didn't eat there since after my birthday." So here I am again sitting w/ my laptop blogging... CHOW!!


    Drikz spoke up around 12:06 AM