Drikz Blog Clarity!
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This is Clarity the 5th edition of the "Drikz Blog Series" this can be referred as Clarity or Drikz Blog V.5: Clarity



Speak Your Mind, I'll Listen

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    Links Away!!

    GMH's Blog- Harvey
    The Fame- Mazda Cai
    Mikaela Says- Mikaela Uy
    89th Avenue- Sharmaine Uy (Blog Ended.)
    Etched- Sharmaine Uy
    APD- Harvey, Drikz
    Carry You There - Jinger Cabillen
    Beyond Words- Dannah Chong
    Route 53- Arvin Lim
    Ineffableness- Atsi Denice
    Life without YOU.- Karla Sy
    Friends can be Lovers but Lovers can't be Friends- Camille Lee
    MusicLover- Karen Madrigal
    Mozhakiee- Jackielyn Ballada
    Being Me, Just Me- Jericka Chan


    Designer: Corissa-Designer

    Harvey- My APD partner, and first subscriber.

    Sharmaine- Telling me about blogskins

    Mikaela- Cool chat mate

    Blogskins- Layout

    Callalily- For music

    Sunday, August 30, 2009

    Wizards of Waverly Place Movie: Stone of Dreams

    Mkay, so I watched this today and I would say it was very cool and touching. I was moved even if I was laughing. The movie was very nice and funny, wanna see it again. It was really awesome when Alex and Justin competed for the powers.

    Plot Summary:
    The film follows the Russo family on a trip to the Caribbean, a trip Alex is forced to go on by her mother, with whom Alex is facing much conflict of lately. As she puts it, she is tired of her mother telling her what to do; she is sixteen. She unknowingly uses her Dad's full-wizard wand to create an alternate reality in which her parents never met.

    After consulting Jerry, who is unaware of his children or his wife's existence and who has his powers (having never had to give them up to marry Theresa), Justin and Alex set off to find the Stone of Dreams. They are guided by a street magician and former wizard (who lost the full-wizard contest to his older brother) who wants to turn his girlfriend from a parrot back into a human. Max, meanwhile, stays at the resort to keep his parents from "meeting" other people. Over the course of the day, Max visibly begins losing his memory, which Jerry told the kids is a symptom of coming extinction due to never having been born.

    Along the way, Justin and Alex share deep conversation from the heart. Justin admits that he is jealous of Alex for being such a naturally good wizard, while Alex admits that she is jealous of Justin for being "perfect at everything." Justin believes that he is only good because he tries all the time, because he wants to become the full wizard, but has to keep up with Alex's natural progression. He also admits that he thinks that his family is only proud of him because he is a good wizard...Alex is quick to tell him that the love him and are proud of him anyway. The two also apologize to each other for all the trouble they give to one another.

    Eventually, they get the stone of dreams, but the magician's parrot girlfriend steals the stone. While trying to figure out how to reverse the spell without it, Jerry mentions that if one of the kids was a full wizard, they might be able to cast a spell to reverse it. While preparing to begin the full-wizard contest, Max finally loses all memory of who he is and gets sucked into a vortex of non-existence. Realizing they must work quickly, Jerry officiates the wizard contest for Justin and Alex. Alex eventually wins and becomes a full wizard.

    In trying to come up with a spell to fix everything, she turns to Justin for help. However, Justin has lost all his memory. Alex pleads with him not to leave, telling him that he is her big brother. Justin believes her, and wants to help, but he cannot and he is sucked into the same vortex that Max was. Alex tries to cast a reversal spell, but Jerry tells her it may be too late.

    Meanwhile Theresa was back at the resort, and seeing that the parrot girlfriend has returned to human form, with the stone of dreams hanging by her neck, tries to get it from her. The street magician manages to get the stone from his girlfriend, who wished to leave him now that she was in human form. He turns her back into a parrot and gives the stone to Theresa. Theresa then wishes to be where Alex, Justin and Jerry are.

    As all hope seems lost to Alex, Theresa shows up with the stone and Jerry tells Alex she can wish for her brothers to reappear and still keep her full wizard powers. Instead she wishes that everything would become the same as it had been...and it does. She and her brothers all remember what happened, but their parents don't. Everyone regardless becomes closer from the events that had occurred, as the kids remember what they went through, and as their parents notice a change in attitude. They happily walk off together

    Selena Gomez- Alex Russo
    David Henrie- Justin Russo
    Jake T. Austin- Max Russo
    David DeLuise- Jerry Russo
    Maria Canals Barrera- Theresa Russo
    Jennifer Stone- Harper Finkle

    *Everything is not, what it seems..


    Drikz spoke up around 3:06 PM

    Saturday, August 29, 2009

    Scouting: Cheers!! Loser.

    Mkay, so today is another day of distress. A boring day at scouting nyehehe. We were just waiting for the others to finish. Guys, I think I'm going too fast on this so, let's take it from the top. This morning started with me waking up late then doing basic house stuff before going to school. When we left, I was thinking about the things that would happen today. Then I ate at McDo with Anne, Jericka, Deena, and Iris. talked about the teachers and other school stuff. Then the troop meeting began, I was again getting my usual headaches due to heat. So I was sitting around talking to the newbies about the BOR and that's just about it.

    *Cheers!! Loser.


    Drikz spoke up around 8:08 PM

    Friday, August 28, 2009

    Oh SHIT!! Damn you loser.

    My life really sucks. I just wanna get out and go. I'm the loser really. I touched and I was burned. I played it wrong I got disqualified. My life just doesn't get any "real" good things. All the "happy" things that happened only felt like a "shock-absorber." I wish my life would get a "sudden" turn and finally get better. Well it probably won't. This isn't a fairy tale guys, this is REALITY. In life I don't get HAPPY ENDINGS, I get more SH*T by the day. And this time I really don't wanna mind these things anymore. All this sh*t it's just making things harder. So that's how it is. Maybe being too close only starts a fight.

    *I played it wrong, got a warning, didn't listen, payed the price.

    Drikz spoke up around 11:00 PM

    Weekly Summary: Misery Business 8/24/09- 8/28/09

    Monday 8/24- Ok the week begins with a boring day. absent si sir haloc.

    Tuesday 8/25- Another weird day matched with a little strangeness

    Wednesday 8/26- No classes, went to Camille's place.

    Thursday 8/27- Hmm.. Thursday with swimming, I HATE SWIMMING.

    Friday 8/28- A SHITDAY too. Nothing interesting, today was boring...


    Drikz spoke up around 10:35 PM

    Wednesday, August 26, 2009

    It ain't over yet

    Mkay, so yesterday night I texted her and didn't get a single reply in any of those messages. So right now I feel like I'm going to die of sorrow. I did apologize but I guess it didn't get through her. I'm really, really depressed right now. I can see her actually reading it but she never replied. :(( So I'm here blogging at a comshop and bringing out how I feel. I hope the water fights later can get the sadness out of my system. It hurts so bad when the one you like, is the one who tears you apart. This is where I'm most vulnerable. I single shot could hurt so much.

    "Cause every time that I try I get tongue tied, I need a little more luck to get me by this time." - Tongue Tied- Faber Drive

    *Happy to get the highest score on my Computer Periodical Exam :P


    Drikz spoke up around 9:05 AM

    Sunday, August 23, 2009

    Is there anything I wouldn't do?

    I went to Greenbelt today, luckily I survived being in public. Anyways back to the actual topic. Ever since all these things happened with her, she's all I ever blog about. heheh pretty true isn't it? :) I'm happy all these things are resolved. So, wonder what would happen on Monday? Hope she'll talk to me. Oh yeah, another thing Mazda's blog entitled "The Fame" is now open! It was a mission success. Because it's definitely better than Karen's. So, make sure you visit his blog after reading this post. Happy Sundays for you, mine sucks.

    Click this to go to Mazda's Blog



    Drikz spoke up around 9:17 PM

    Damn Sunday!!

    Mkay, today is Sunday the happiest most annoying day for this week. I got a bad haircut and I have to go in public. SHITT!!! I can't find a cap that matches the black clothes. I know what you think, I'm getting too OA about this. You're probably right. Anyway I'm still annoyed by my mom, she thinks I don't know what I want. So I'm here waiting for my brother to finish taking a bath then I'm off to Greenbelt. I'm taking out my anger by listening to the music I like the most, Emo Rock and Punk Rock. Who? Of course, PARAMORE!! The song Misery Business, Ignorance and That's What You Get fits the genre mentioned above.. I wish high school's over so I don't have to listen to my school's annoyingly, unreasonable rules. The school's rules always got on my nerves since I'm in the 3rd grade. Hayy.. SSHS, no wonder even people in the staff get nicknames.


    Drikz spoke up around 1:23 PM

    Saturday, August 22, 2009

    Rain as it is.

    There's no scouting today :( BOR is moved to next week. Anyway as you can see by the picture above the water from the flood got into our X-trail. So, when we got to Manila and someone texted me that there's no troop meeting. So around 1pm we went back to Quezon City. Though I'd never say that coming to Manila was a waste because, I finally talked to "her" and fixed the problem so, I'm fine now. On the way back the water was gone and driving through the streets became easier. I should've went to a friend's place but past is past.. I'm really happy I fixed everything with her :)

    *Listening to "Ignorance- Paramore"

    Drikz spoke up around 4:37 PM

    Friday, August 21, 2009

    Ms. San Miguel, you're ours

    Click the picture to see it clearly..

    It's ON!! Karen challenged the SM Advantage to see who gets to own Jem. I talked to Camille about it (*see pic above) an she joined us in a fight of Jem's ownership. Jem is known as one of our teachers in the hall of fame. Jem a.k.a. Miss San Miguel has acknowledged our views and principles so we have that on our side. But still 1 against 4? Karen can't beat us. And so it begins, the war of Jem's ownership!

    *Whoa 3rd post of the day...


    Drikz spoke up around 8:49 PM

    S***, The Things I'll Never Say

    Kay, so I haven't been feeling so good lately. she's not talking to me, no replies and no ANYTHING. Though I wont hate her for that, cuz maybe without me knowing I was the one tearing it apart. I know I've been posting about this weeks ago, it may not be a big deal for you, but for me IT IS!!

    The thing I'll never say to you is, "I HATE YOU". Nothing in the world would make me say that. Hate me as you wish, but I would never hate you.

    "I feel so nervous, tryin to be so perfect. But I know you're worth it, you're worth it, YEAHH"- Things I'll Never Say- Avril Lavigne

    *This post is inspired by the song "Things I'll Never Say- Avril Lavigne"

    Labels: ,

    Drikz spoke up around 5:49 PM


    Hmmm.. It's been days, weeks, months since I actually spoke to her. I feel so stupid not knowing what I did to get this. Girls are so complicated... I tried to talk, she wouldn't listen. Did I do something wrong? This feeling is tearing me apart. Just tell me why, I'd listen no matter what you say. Yell at me, do whatever you please. Just let me know you'd talk to me...

    I would try make everything okay,
    No matter how much you reject me

    Everything is falling apart,
    Knowing that you're not there with me..

    *I'm not a plagiarist, this was original


    Drikz spoke up around 12:14 PM

    Thursday, August 20, 2009

    Week Summary: Career Conference/Periodical Exam Results August 17-20, 2009

    So I got my results...

    Monday 8/17/09- The Career Conference begins with HRM and Com. Sci. checked my test papers. :)

    Tuesday 8/18/09- The Career Conference continues and ends with BM and Architecture. corrected more papers.

    Wednesday 8/19/09- The normal classes start again. Had fun in Mr. Buendia's class by watching this

    Thursday 8/20/09- Yey no classes tomorrow :) had an English Club meeting today.

    Social- 89


    Drikz spoke up around 10:09 PM

    Sunday, August 16, 2009

    Teacher - Celebrity Conversions

    Even teachers give a "celebrity" feel.

    Here we go :
    1. Ms. Jadraque- Taylor Swift (You Belong With Me)
    2. Ms. Petinez - Lady GaGa, Nicole Sherzinger (Poker Feysh, Jusht Dansh)
    3. Ms. San Miguel- Avril Lavigne (Best Damn Chem!)
    4. Ms. Canlas- Katy Perry (Hot & Cold: The Chemicals)
    5. Ms. Ramos- Beyonce

    *Where do we come up with these stuff.
    *Hey, blog, happy 150th post.
    *Bye Sunday

    Drikz spoke up around 9:31 PM

    Happy Sundays

    Well it's SUNDAY!! my day. I go to the mall w/out caring about school. I can draw manga all day. YES!!

    Hmm.. I think I'll write a song on my guitar. I'll use Avril Lavigne's acoustic songs as reference. Or maybe I'll use The Boys Like Girls or Paramore's rock feel. Anyways I'll tell you about it when I get the chance.

    *I CAN ROCK!!


    Drikz spoke up around 11:51 AM

    Saturday, August 15, 2009


    In the Stephenian Scouts, it's this time again, the Saturday of exams hehe. Good luck to the new members. The "review" covers knots, drills and formations, first-aid, Scouting History, The Philippine Flag, scout uniform, and ideals. All these are "reviewed" by an event called "The Board of Review" it determines if the scout has mastered the scouting's basic skills. Anyway we prepared today for the review and I think the new guys are ready. So, good luck. CHEERS!!

    *You have to finish quick so we can play tug-of-war. :)

    Drikz spoke up around 6:59 PM

    Friday, August 14, 2009

    Weekly Summary: Perio Week, August 10-14, 2009

    So here it begins my first 3rd year periodical exams. I'm not frightened, I did great.

    Monday 8/10/09- The periodical exams for English and Chemistry, goofed off during/after tutor. :)

    Tuesday 8/11/09- The periodical exams for Social Studies and Trigonometry, felt REALLY bored in studying Math. Felt so bad missing the Lady GaGa concert.

    Wednesday 8/12/09- The periodical exams for Filipino and Mathematics, I did good during exams and walked around Masangkay in the afternoon.

    Thursday 8/13/09- The periodical exams for Chinese Geometry and Chinese History. I felt really pressured not knowing the test was a piece of cake.

    Friday 8/14/09- The periodical exams for Chinese Language. I had a mental block but I got most of the questions correct. Went around Manila after the test.


    Drikz spoke up around 8:55 PM

    Tuesday, August 11, 2009

    How could I let it go, the thing I treasured the most

    Hmm... I've been really pathetic these days. I really hate myself right now. Like I wanna be the "old" me the cold unapproachable person at least I'm not in the way. Unlike now, I let my pride get the best of me. I've been selfish, pathetic, inconsiderate, and stupid. I hate my life. I lost the thing I treasured the most. How could I let this happen?

    *I don't wanna live anymore, I'm pathetic.

    Drikz spoke up around 6:25 PM

    Saturday, August 8, 2009

    Weekly Summary August 3- August 7 and August 8

    Aug. 3 Mon.- Made paper bags in HE and took a VERY easy test in Chinese/

    Aug. 4 Tues.- Anticipated the no classes on Wednesday and took a text from Sir Buendia during Chinese recess, Got late (everyone is)...

    Aug. 5 Wed.- Hung out with Camille and Anne. Also been reading Anne's texts to Ms. San Miguel during the summer break. Taught Kathleen & Charlies Trigonometry and Math.

    Aug. 6 Thurs.- Normal day in the morning, no classes in the afternoon and went to Mazda's place to play with photoshop. Edited Priscilla's face :)

    Aug. 7 Fri.- Pressured by a Tsong-Hap test, only learning that I'll take the test on Thursday. Preparing for the periodic exam.

    *(extra) Aug. 8 Sat.- Tutor today, Harvey finally appears. Met up with Camille and Priscilla.

    *Listening to "Why- Avril Lavigne"

    Drikz spoke up around 2:50 PM

    Wednesday, August 5, 2009

    No classes. Cory's Burial :(

    Hayy.. no classes today. We have a test on computer tomorrow and just gone from our tutor. nyahahah.. We also studied advance in our Chemistry. Anyway, Today our former president Cory Aquino is being buried today :(. It's fine when something happens there's always a good side :) Anyway cheers! NO CLASSES


    Drikz spoke up around 12:17 PM

    Sunday, August 2, 2009

    Wednesday Rumors.

    Hmmm.... I've opened my Y!M this morning and looked at people's statuses and saw Edrick's saying "La pasok sa Wednesday, libing ni tita Cory." the words "Lang Pasok" quickly caught my eye. The question is, is it true? Well, I wish it was, students need a break, and we're all stressed out from all the tests that are simultaneously (as in the same day) by our teachers. I'm really freaked, we have a lot of tests in chinese, one tomorrow and two (me only) tests on tuesday, not to mention the English subject. So, I hope the rumors are real. ChOw!

    *Condolence to the Aquino Family


    Drikz spoke up around 6:40 PM

    Saturday, August 1, 2009

    Scouting, BOR, Jackets

    Today is another rainy scouting day and I went a wee bit late and met up with Michael. The entire troop meeting I actually wore my jacket hehe... BOR, the "Board of Review" which would probably be next, next week (easy, easy). We were taught (again) First-Aid, which was followed by a very repulsive slide show. We then played a silly game of drills and were eventually dismissed. We again ate at McDo and waited for my dad. Taught Anne Romo math today. Oh... andyan n pansit ko.. GTG :)



    Drikz spoke up around 5:54 PM