Drikz Blog Clarity!
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This is Clarity the 5th edition of the "Drikz Blog Series" this can be referred as Clarity or Drikz Blog V.5: Clarity



Speak Your Mind, I'll Listen

    follow me on Twitter

    Links Away!!

    GMH's Blog- Harvey
    The Fame- Mazda Cai
    Mikaela Says- Mikaela Uy
    89th Avenue- Sharmaine Uy (Blog Ended.)
    Etched- Sharmaine Uy
    APD- Harvey, Drikz
    Carry You There - Jinger Cabillen
    Beyond Words- Dannah Chong
    Route 53- Arvin Lim
    Ineffableness- Atsi Denice
    Life without YOU.- Karla Sy
    Friends can be Lovers but Lovers can't be Friends- Camille Lee
    MusicLover- Karen Madrigal
    Mozhakiee- Jackielyn Ballada
    Being Me, Just Me- Jericka Chan


    Designer: Corissa-Designer

    Harvey- My APD partner, and first subscriber.

    Sharmaine- Telling me about blogskins

    Mikaela- Cool chat mate

    Blogskins- Layout

    Callalily- For music

    Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                                            -WANTED case#D8RI27KZ09-

    ooHH... wanted si Drikz for being a blog-aholic. Is that even a valid reason? There's no other choice anyway. No way to run, No where to hide. What will you do?

    (all chapters are short...)
    (everything is fictional)

    Wow a novel in Drikz's Blog...
    Some characters here's name may be the same with other individuals. But some elements here are 100% coincidential.

    Characters (this chapter only):
    1. Drikz - Wanted Blogger
    2. Vennera - Queen of Darkness
    3. Zan - BPC (Blog Patrol Captain)

    Chapter 1: The Wanted Man...
     In a city called Blogsville, an 18 (ows!!) year old guy named Drikz is arrested for writing a blog that has fictional things somewhat "come to life" because of this Drikz was confined to a dark room alone so the "blog's" odd energies may never be activated. But Drikz knows that evil draws near and only the "enpowered blog" could save it. he wrote awful things so the queen of darkness will become bored to destroy a very terrible world. He was doing it for good but he was confined for doing what is right (that's WRONG). Vennera, the queen of darkness, approach draws near. So Drikz in the thought of destruction fleed the confined "place" and went to a nearby computer shop to prepare the sealing of Vennera. A few minutes after he escaped Zan the lead police, sounded all alarms and set everything to "code red". Upon hearing this Drikz knows he cant hide because if he wrote about a hiding place the police would discover where it was so all he can do is hide in a computer shop. As time reaches 21:00 Drikz saw a vision while asleep. It was Vennera, trying to make her way to earth. Being shocked, Drikz immediately woke up because of fear. And writes in the blog that "the end" is near. Upon writing this Drikz made Vennera's arrival earlier. Because of this Drikz tries to suppress the "enpowered blog's" energies. He does succeed but he fainted seconds after.

    -To be continued...

    Following Episodes' New Characters:
    1.Harviar Lie-ensviel- ~Synposis in the second chapter...~
    2.Rencet Chuavallien - ~Synposis in future eps~
    3.Clairisse Tannison - ~Synposis in future eps~



    Drikz spoke up around 9:05 PM

                                                 -Report Cardz-
                                                 -Last Day na Ms. San Miguel ^_^-
                                                 -CELEBRATE (WLA NANG ELSHA!!)-

    Whoa! Today's the "Last Day" kabado ako noong kinuha ko card ko sa chinese eh pasado pala tsong-hap ko. hahahah! Which means, NO SUMMER CLASSES!!! today is a happy and a sad day. Today is my "goodbye" to II-Yellow :( (I'll miss you guys). Time will never erase moments we spent together :)). We'll mamimis ko si Harvey ksi la na akong "chatmate" pero nag oOL nman sya eh. Wow a whole year has passed. Parang kahapon lang nag simula ang 1st quarter heheheh. Also mamimis ko rin un "Gocheco Mates" mga kpit bahay ko :D. We'll masaya today kasi di ko na makikita si elsha!!! Di ba worth celebrating to? Well starting  June I'm no longer Drikz the Sophomore Blogger, but Drikz the Junior blogger. Not much of a change but it's a BIG change for me. Is going to be a Junior be more challenging? harder? more complicated?



    Drikz spoke up around 2:37 PM

    Sunday, March 29, 2009

    WOW! new layout na :D ooh may bagong song nkalagay YaY!!
    well uhm... nothing much to it

    -may new layout bring luck :D


    Drikz spoke up around 11:46 PM

                                                  -Screenshot of APD-

    Hello WORLD!!! -Drikz- and GMH are proud to introduce APD! Azure Point Duo. This is a blog that me and Harvey both write on. This will share ideas of both individuals. Hope you like our new blog :D Both Harvey and I will post different blogs in APD so tune in :))

    Hope to hear good reviews on APD!!


    Drikz spoke up around 1:04 AM

    Saturday, March 28, 2009

    Last year I heard from Charles Lu that the world will end in 2012. I DONT believe it only God decides when our death/life or anything will happen... I'm not afraid cause I know God will protect us and It will be ok. I'm a little afraid because I'm wanna spend more time with my friends but If this is God's decision I'm ok with it... 

    God Bless All of You :D


    Drikz spoke up around 11:42 PM

    We kinda went to MoA today... It's boring and fun (weird noh) but we were there til' 4pm to pick my brother up at La Salle well we got to Rockwell around 6pm and watched a movie entitled "Knowing" it was scary-ish because I feel thats the future our race awaits. Then we just went home

    odd day eh...

    Drikz spoke up around 12:45 AM

    Thursday, March 26, 2009

    This is a video of my adventures hope you LIKE it :D

    This video is made by -Drikz- and -Drikz- alone A.K.A. Skateral1001 (youtube)

    *If there are wrong spellings I'm sorry for that but you get the point. :D

    To Yellow,
    Whatever happens I'll miss you. You make this school year complete.

    To 07'-08' I-B
    Your my first section in high school. You are the foundation of my high school life.

    Drikz spoke up around 11:45 AM

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    This is totally cool game it's kinda makes you take life of another. An this game has lessons, being yourself. Denying yourself only leaves you a burden. You must accept yourself for who you are not what people want you to become. If you don't accept yourself who will?

    1. Seta Souji
    2. Yosuke Hanamura
    3. Chie Satonaka
    4. Yukiko Amagi
    5. Kanji Tatsumi
    6. Rise Kujikawa
    7. Naoto Shirogane
    8. Teddie


    Drikz spoke up around 9:48 PM

    Monday, March 23, 2009

                                                                 -Personally Designed Logo-

    Need someone to stalk? Your friend's bf or gf? They tell you about him/her but there's no proof? No need to think hard, we'll do it for you. We'll do SSHSCKSCHCHS and Sakya :). We'll get his/her pic, inside scoop and everything in between. It's just 10php per person to stalk. But some people can get discounts. If you worry your friend might resent you? Don't worry, your name is strictly confidential.

    1. The bf or gf must be from a different school if you're from SSHS
    2. Give the person to stalk's full name
    3. Payment should be before stalking him/her

    Contact: 09224664634

    Drikz's Stalking Service™

    Hope you find our services useful~

    Drikz spoke up around 9:37 PM

                                                            -The Cover-
                                                 -Leon and Claire preparing to shoot-

    I watched Resident Evil: Degeneration yesterday on my DVD and the story's when Claire Redfield is now a member of TerraSave, an organization which handles search and rescue at chemical and biological attacks. Claire arrives at Harvardville Airport to meet a family she is aiding.

    A passenger aircraft is approaching the airport to land. As one of the attendants checks the passengers, she notices one man looking unwell. The man in question is clearly in the final stages of T-virus infection, and warns the attendant. Shortly after, he zombifies.

    Claire is looking after her friend's niece, Rani Chawla, when they see Senator Ron Davis walk by. While a zombie-masked protester is arrested by a police officer, only to be attacked by an actual zombie seconds later. One of Davis' bodyguards shoots the zombie while being attacked by the infected security guard, who was presumed to be dead. The second guard attempts to run but is also devoured. The scene causes panic and people in the vicinity flee, some being attacked by zombies, and the plane crashes into the building, with all of the occupants already transformed into zombies. Claire, Davis and Rani hide in the VIP lounge.

    At night, the airport has been locked down by the United States Marine Corps and local law enforcement. Survivors are evacuated for treatment, many still locked inside the airport. Two Special Response Team officers, Angela Miller and Greg Glenn are joined by a government agent with experience of such incidents, Leon S. Kennedy. The group enter the building through the roof and begin their search. They manage to find Claire and the survivors. Travelling back to the main terminal, Glenn is bitten by a zombie and stays behind, determined to save the rest by killing the creatures nearby. The survivors shoot their way out, with the marines clearing out the terminal.

    Claire, upon being told that the WilPharma Corporation, who she was campaigning against, had created a T-virus vaccine, realizes that the vaccine could have saved those who died. Suddenly, the WilPharma trucks containing the vaccine are destroyed. Claire goes with WilPharma worker Frederic Downing to the WilPharma research facility for more vaccine. After a tour of the facility, Claire is shown a molecular-scale image of the G-virus. She is left alone in the room as Downing heads for the sample.

    Claire calls Leon to update him about WilPharma's possession of the G-virus, and learns that he and Angela Miller discover Curtis Miller's house burnt to the ground. Downing phones Claire to warn her that a man has just left the facility and that a time bomb has been activated. Claire looks out of a window and sees Curtis Miller running through the central gardens with a briefcase. The bomb goes off.

    Leon and Angela arrive and Leon goes upstairs to Claire while Angela monitors the ground level. While Leon is upstairs, Curtis arrives at the garden. Not having much time left, he tells Angela that the government covered up some of the events in Raccoon City which kept his family from being saved. A squad of marines storm the room. Curtis, having injected the G-virus, mutates. The marines fire at him, and Curtis starts killing them. Leon saves Angela from the massacre as the garden begins to fall apart, with wreckage crushing Curtis. Believing him to be dead, the surviving marines head up the elevator to safety, Leon and Angela choosing to stay downstairs and wait for the elevator to come back down. Curtis gets out of the wreckage and mutates further, climbing up the building and killing the marines by destroying the elevator.

    The building is then set on fire by the WilPharma computer system in an attempt to avoid the T- and G-Virus' spreading. Angela and Leon jump into a pool of water to avoid burning wreckage. After having shot a glass partition to avoid drowning, the two then find themselves in an underground area. Meanwhile, Claire makes it to the command center, doing whatever she can to halt a biohazard alarm and open the building. She fails and the detection of Curtis in the underground center causes another alarm. This time, parts of the building will be ejected underground.

    As Leon and Angela search for an escape route, Curtis attacks them, seeing Leon as a threat and Angela as a mate. Eventually, Curtis manages to regain control, telling Angela to run. As the sections are being ejected, Leon and Angela climb up wreckage. Almost free from the drop, Curtis grabs hold of Angela. About to fall, Leon shoots Curtis in the face, causing him to fall to his death. Leon, Angela and Claire exit the building where Claire accuses Senator Davis of the cover up and the Harvardville Airport incident. Leon reveals that Davis did not know anything, and Claire realizes that the real villain was actually Downing, who caused the outbreak in the airport, the disaster on the plane, the destruction of the vaccine and the bio-terrorism incidents by selling T-virus samples. Waiting for a contact to sell WilPharma information to, Downing mistakes a car containing Leon and Claire for his contact. He is arrested by Angela.

    The next day Leon and Claire meet with a despondent Angela. Leon reveals that Downing confessed to everything, which was designed as a sales pitch for the virus to General Grandé. He reveals that he was an Umbrella researcher and stole samples of both viruses and escaped immediately prior to the Raccoon City incident before erasing his history and creating a new identity with which to apply to WilPharma. Once there, he was able to sell the virus to a list of potential customers while researching the vaccine.

    Leon and Claire say goodbye and leave. Meanwhile, news gets out that Davis has resigned from office over allegations of insider stock trading with WilPharma stocks. A newspaper draped over Davis' face reads "Tricell Offers to Purchase WilPharma". Davis' hand falls from the desk revealing him to be dead, and on his computer WilPharma files are being deleted, which when completed reveal a Tricell insignia on his screen. The film ends with Tricell employees in hazmat suits searching the underground ruins of the WilPharma research building, where they discover a fragment of Curtis's body infected with the G-virus, which they seal in a bio-hazard container.

    The story continues with Resident Evil 5


    Leon S. Kennedy

    Claire Redfield

    Angela Miller

    Frederic Downing

    Rani Chawla

    Senator Ron Davis

    Greg Glenn

    -Resident Evil ROCKS-


    Drikz spoke up around 5:03 PM

                                                       -3rd time-
                                                  -2nd time-
                                                 -1st time-

    What are the odds that me and Harvey get in a photo with me on the right and Harvey on the left? 1%? 15%? 68%? 100%? It's actually 50% we barely meet each other on the vacation days. But we always chat on YM about the outrageous things. We kinda make insulting songs for Elsha, Jet Li, the works... We always meet during school days at night at the quadrangle. We chat about teachers' flaws but no insults except sa chinese :D. That could be about Cheats, Teachers and everything in between. He is the best chat mate, next to my text mate :D

    HARVEY CHUA, Certified Cutie (sbi nya)


    Drikz spoke up around 12:21 AM

    Today, we went to Paul's 16th birthday at Emerald. It was DA BOMB, inaasar si Camille and Demiee in just 1 place. How fun it was. The cake was delicious(daw) :D... I gave Paul a cap and a towel for his birthday, akala nyo cheap pero bench/ yun :D. After the party we went to Starbucks, ang bait ni Harvey, NANLIBRE :) kya he's my -BLUE- friend. And si Clarence, Anthony, Aldrin at Jan Kevin, sumunod pero kanina si Jan Kevin nag papaka EMO~ kaya tinawag namin. Then pumunta kaming lahat sa baywalk sumunod sila Irish, Gab, Brendon, Glenn, Gerome :D. Ang ginawa namin sa baywalk ay walang iba kung hindi mag-picture. Then tumakbo kami pabalik sa Emerald at hinatid kami ni Paul sa Gocheco. 

    -End of Party Story-

    Now let's talk outfits. masyado ba akong formal (*look at the image above)? Well? Sabi ng iba oo, sabi ng iba hindi. So, ano ba talaga? pero kung ako tatanongin mo FORMAL un! marami sa party naka formal (semi). Anyway my outfit at least "stands out" :D.

    -End of Post-


    Drikz spoke up around 12:05 AM

    Saturday, March 21, 2009

    Today, I watched Final Fantasy VII at Animax. (I watched it multiple times I just wanna make a blog about it.) I wanna say that this movie rockz especially the cool battle scenes and the monsters and everything was totally worth watching. They made Cloud a cool person in this movie. Their outfits in the movie are so cool, perfect for combat!

    1. Cloud Strife
    2. Tifa Lockhart
    3. Vincent Valentine
    4. Aerith Gainborough
    5. Marlene Wallace
    6. Denzel
    7. Sephiroth
    9. Rufus Shinra
    10. Kadaj
    11. Loz
    12. Yazoo

    This MOVIE is DA BOMB!!!

    -FF7 or FFVII-


    Drikz spoke up around 6:20 PM

    Yesterday 03-21-09, Kevin, Ervin, Aldrin, Clarence and I went to YGC's graduation party. The 4th years got a mini-diploma souvenir and our group won a lot of prizes. Lollipops, Oreo, Chips, Pringles :). The party was fun, somewhat. The designs were a bit simple but they were fine...

    After being out of the topic, let's get to outfits. Before I went to YGC, I should've been informed that I should be wearing formal but I only found out when I got there. So I rushed back home and searched for anything to make myself look formal. But then, I could only get a necktie. I looked at the mirror and said "This is as formal as it gets.". And everyone in YGC apparently agreed :D. So bottomline my outfit is a tie, a polo shirt, maong pants and my favorite sneakers. It may not be formal-formal but it was fine because the other people's "formal" was casual...



    Drikz spoke up around 5:11 PM

    Friday, March 20, 2009

    I'm planning a writing and creating a campaign entitled "Leagacy Of The Alliance" for Frozen Throne

    1. Jem the Bio-Mage
    2. Sheena the Lady Archer/Fallen Elf/Night Archer
    3. Arvin the Gate Guardian
    4. Arniel Alvarez the King
    5.(*cameo) Drikz Tryzer the Royal Guard
    6. Elsha the Banshee
    7. Benilda the Royal Marksman
    8. Elwin the Magi-Knight
    9. Jet Li the Jet Li


    The story is basically when Elsha is banished for practicing necromancy. Elsha then flees and turns into a banshee. Some of the kings best agents were sent for this mission. Jem the Bio-Mage is sent with Sheena the Lady Archer to find Elsha and imprison her for good. But their mission is not easy, fighting mercenaries, undead, demons, and other vile creatures.

    Intro: The Escape and The Attack
    1. Preparations for an Assault
    2. Charging Minds
    3. Chase to Kalimdor
    4. Jem's Reinforcements
    5. Sheena's Death
    6. The Rebirth
    7. Fogged Minds
    8. Summoning of the Inevitable
    9. The Alliance's Stand
    10. Recapture
    Finale: Ribirth and Peace


    Drikz spoke up around 9:47 PM


    1. Class, (question)? Anyone? It is because of.../Kasi, Kasi/Kaseee
    2. Pleura is not the opposite of singula.
    3. Kailan dadaan ang urine sa aorta?
    4. (*kung my unfamiliar term) Yan ba ang tinatawag niyong (*other term)
    5. From 2-V: Urinary Bladder is the storage for feces.
    6. Heheheh corny...
    7. Ngek corny...
    8. (Frog Dissection) Hawakan niyo, hawakan niyo!!
    9. Red tag, red tag!

    Message to ma'am: "Thanks for the fun school year, we'll miss you"


    Drikz spoke up around 1:33 PM

    Ms. San Miguel, YELLOW or VIOLET?

    Guys from all sections,
    2-R, 2-Y, 2-G, 2-B, 2-V

    Vote NA!!!
    Polls are above the posts :D


    YELLOW:17 (winner)

    Drikz spoke up around 12:46 PM


    Last February, before I went to the scouts' family fun day, I went to Metro for a check-up because I wasn't there last week. Then the doctor checked my nostrils (eww) and my tonsils. Apparently, I have chronic rhino- sinusitis + hyper-tropic tonsils "grade III"(malala). The doctor said I MIGHT get Rheumatic Heart Disease :-/(My "teacher" also agrees when I asked her.).  Rheumatic Heart Disease's effects are fever, joint pain, nose bleeds, etc. And like a lot of heart diseases, It usually ends with death or a very complicated surgery... Now the chances of that disease to happen to me are apparently getting lower but there's no telling what would happen next.

    Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease- Is an inflammatory disease which may develop after infection. It's believed to be caused b antibody cross-reactivity and involves the HEART.

    This is the reason why I can't swim (sinusitis)

    As for the heart disease, if it may happen, I can say I'm not afraid to die (and I never will be). I'll fight any disease like always until my last breath.

    Kung mangyari nga, di ko kau kakalimutan :D

    La lng gus2 ko lang paalam :)


    Drikz spoke up around 11:49 AM

    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    4th post of 3-19-09' :D

    The Overnight technically did not start at night time. It started at 9am in the morning when Sir Kyvan or Israel (LATE AKO!!) asked our troop to fall-in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10... After the announcements that I didnt hear, We, along with Outfit 22 were asked to lift 1, 2 or 60+ chairs with 8 or 9 tables. We were then grouped into three, MacArthur(Amanda), Rizal(Betty) and Mabini(Cheska/Chesca). Then after that is the "Shooting Range (Shoot Kyvan!)" :D. We were given a target (manila paper) and we have to aim at the middle scoring eight points per shot (hirap ang liit eh)... After that we took our seats at the Quadrangle and waited for further instructions. Then It's LUNCHTIME!!! (WAHH UNA SI HARVEY!! XD) we ate, and ate, and ate til' we can't eat anymore... After that is the "Punishment Subraction Game"(Basketball). I played P.I.G.(H.O.R.S.E.) against Joshua Wee and Janson Siy. Technically I lost but I'm 2nd :). A little later it's the overnight proper...

    (*SEE Uver-Overnight!!!)



    Drikz spoke up around 7:10 PM

    -No Picture Available (Next Time rerenew ko i2ng post...)-

    Merong magkakaibigan isang buliding, iba-ibang bahay :D
    dati kumpleto pa kami

    1.-Drikz- (Twin A)    SSHS
    2.Aldrin Mathew  (Twin B)    SSHS
    3.Neal     (Lumayas :D USA)    SSHS(in the phil.)
    4.Arwin Matthew  (TowER!!)    SSHS
    5.Paul      (Kapit-Bahay, KATABI :D)    HCHS(ngaun ewn)
    6.Leonard Christian (SpY!!)    CKSC
    7.Dale Sedrikk  (COM. SHOP.... PALIBRE!!! :D)    Sakya

    Ngaun kulang-kulang na kami... Pero may bago naman..

    sana kita-kita tau lahat sa isang lugar...
    I miss you guys...expt un nand2 pa...




    Drikz spoke up around 6:00 PM

    -The Short Kid In Violet/Purple-
    According kay Ervin (Rubio), pag si Clarence nag scout next year 09'-10' posibleng maging staff so kung mapunta sya sa 20 or 21 i sasaboutage namin sya para di maging staff. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Evil namin noh pero ksi pra marami naman kaming members kakaunti na nga lang kami this year panu pa next year? At syempre di sya bagay maging staff maliit sya at parang babae boses :D ahahhahhahah pero kung di gumana sabotage namin, well swerte ka! pero kung gumana, ewan ko na hahah :D


    -(meron pa isa)-

    Drikz spoke up around 5:30 PM

    3-18-09 is when our overnight began, along with the court of honor. Like before, I got the perfect attendance award :) though I wished i got more ^_^... next year bago na staff namin ewan ko kung sino... From outfit 21 si Anthony naging staff :D gud luk next year...  and ung di naging staff try and try until get there :D and 4th years mamimis ko kayo:) We did a skit that's about scouting... It's not as easy as it seems but we made it through :) I would say the bonfire was kind of interesting yet odd... Masaya talaga un bonfire lalu na dahil katabi ko si Harvey... Kung ano-ano nalang ang pinaguusapan namin... Lalu na si Elsha :)

    Scouting Rox!!
    -Drikz- o_O

    Labels: ,

    Drikz spoke up around 3:50 PM

    Sunday, March 15, 2009

    Alliance/Horde vs. Burning Legion...

    Alliance/Horde/Sentinel Generals:
    1.Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind
    2.Druid Malfurion Stormrage
    3.Lady Jaina Proudmoore

    Burning Legion General:

    The Battle of Mount Hyjal starts, with Medivh informing the generals that Archimonde is going to attack to the World Tree. So Jaina and Thrall promised Tyrande and Malfurion if they support them, Jaina and Thrall will slow down Archimonde's attack. So Malfurion sets a charm on the gate and the battle begins. As waves and waves of undead and demons attack, the humans and the orcs' bases were eventually overthrowed. So as it comes down to the night elves, Archimonde's forces grew stronger and stronger and charged directly into Tyrande's encampment.Therefore, the way to the World Tree was cleared and Archimonde marched to the World Tree. Unknowingly, Archimonde fell into Malfurion's trap and was defeated once and for all. But the Burning Legion wasn't entirely defeated. So, the three races were at peace for now, but evil doesn't rest the Burning Legion will attack again...

    Victory: Alliance

    Warcraft Rockz!!!

    The Story Still Continues...


    Drikz spoke up around 4:52 PM

    Saturday, March 14, 2009


    Demi Lovato, Tiffany Thornton, Sterling Knight, Brandon Mychal Smith, Doug Brochu and Allisyn Ashley Arm...

    Alison "Sonny" Munroe joins the cast of a TV show "So Random!". Now starring with Tawni, Nico, Grady and Zora, Sonny tries to understand the hollywood life and the cast gets a reminder of the normal life.

    Sonny With a Chance is a series about reaching your dreams and NEVER give up.

    SWAC RoCKz!!!


    Drikz spoke up around 11:13 PM

    Ma'am SM ikaw pa ang mukhang nagtataka pero kmi rin nagtataka... Yellow or Violet cnu ba talaga?

    Si Ms. San Miguel ay teacher namin II-Y and II-V pero sno ba mas gus2 ni ma'am?

    When we try to ask Ms. San Miguel..
    Drikz:"Ma'am SM cno favorite mo yellow o violet?"
    Ma'am SM:"Aldric pantay-pantay lang..."

    so kayo kaklase ng masa... :)
    satingin nyo YELLOW o VIOLET?

    Sino ba TALAGA!!!!


    Drikz spoke up around 6:37 PM

    Sunday, March 8, 2009

    Hey Guys, I think I wanna blog about the hippest, hottest game so far in the Philippines, Left 4 Dead.

    Left 4 Dead can be played up to 4 players. Playing either Louis, Bill, Francis or Zoey.

    This game is quite like resident evil w/out the over mutated creatures. Enemies can range from Zombies, Smokers, Hunters, Boomers, Tankers to Witches...

    to win you must find a "safe zone" and close the door

    Weapons range to pistols, sub-machine guns to shotguns.

    It also has a feature that lets you play as a zombie and try to kill the survivors...

    This game has the violence and the horror you'll need.

    Left 4 Dead, Certified gamer's choice ^_^

    Drikz spoke up around 3:03 PM

    These 5 are my commonly used heroes in the game ^_^
    1. Rylai ( Sentinel ) Modeled after Jaina...
    2. Magina ( Sentinel ) Modeled after a common demon hunter
    3. Ezalor ( Sentinel ) Modeled after Archmages
    4. Razor ( Scourge ) Modeled after Lightning Revenants
    5. Lina ( Sentinel ) Modeled after a Sorceress

    Dota is a game fought by two teams the Sentinels and the Scourge
    each player picks a hero and battles the other team...

    Dota heroes are named differently than their actual names

    Rylai (Crystal Maiden)---> Jaina (Archmage)
    Magina (Anti-Mage)---> Illidan (Demon Hunter)
    Mortred (Phantom Assassin)---> Maiev (Warden)

    Destroying the building called "Ancient" is the goal but to get there you have to face creeps and towers...

    DoTA is a very sucessful game but don't forget where it all started, Warcraft III: Frozen Throne

    DoTA ROCKS!!!

    GAME ON!!!

    Drikz spoke up around 12:11 PM

    Naku darating na ang NAT namin 03-11-09... pinapapunta kami ng school ng 6:30 ng umaga. di pa ata gising yung manok eh... ^__^ we'll be taking tests for 5 and a half hours with a 30 minute lunch break...  KAKATAMAD!! aminado ako na di naman ito graded bakit pa magaaral? pero pangalan nag skul nakataya... SO WHAT! If we fail that doesnt mean everyone else is dumb.. it's a test that 2nd most-likely won't even try to study...  so on a free day.. DOTA!, DOTA!, L4D!, L4D! ^__^ MoA! MoA! MoA!...

    for people who care S-T-U-D-Y!!!!

    for people like me D-O-N-T


    Drikz spoke up around 11:20 AM

    Like Harvey may summary din ako..

    -This month I met up with my new classmates
    -Yr. Org. Elections
    -Met teachers i've never met SM, Adapon, Azanza, Jadraque, Buendia...

    -I got to know my new teachers
          - I became friends w/ people i just met
          -Lapit na 1st perio

    -1st Perio...

    -Teacher's Day

    -2nd perio
    -Lapit na Sembreak!!

    -Sembreak Ends

    -Christmas Party!!

    -New Year!!!
    -Mini Teachers!!
    -Field Trip

    -Valentines Day ( la aq ka-date :( )
    -Long Test o_O

    -Last Month w/ classmates :((
    -NAT, Perio
    -Bye, Bye na kla Ma'am at Sir

    This is my summary

    Drikz spoke up around 12:26 AM

    Saturday, March 7, 2009

                                                                2-Yellow 08'-09'

    First Post!!!

    This is my Tribute to 2-Y

    Dear 2-Y

               I know soon we’d be parting ways, new sections, new teachers but I will remember the year I spent with you guys and remember them as long as I live. You make my school year complete. I wish we can still be classmates in our Juniors so lets hope for the best, and I wish to see most of us in one classroom… like 1-B’ I’ll treasure this year. So I wanna say I wish my classmates here will again be my classmates…

    Especially si..

    1.Clarence Chua (kausap sa likod pag tinatamad sa klase)

    2.Paul Chua (comedian sa likod)

    3.Vinson Chong (helper sa pang aasar kay Clarence)

    4.Dannah Chong (helper sa pagasar kay SM)

    5.Anthony Choi (inaasar ADIK ADIK ^_^)

    6.Leifel Carreon (O-O smart group leader)


    That’s All

    “Our Paths Will Cross Again Just Hope For It”



    Drikz spoke up around 11:47 PM